Announcement of the Thesis/Dissertation Oral Exam for 2024 Fall Semester
程序項目 Procedure / 期限 Deadline
說明Description / 應繳文件 Required Documents
一、申請舉行學位考試 Apply for degree exam
第1學期:開始上課日~11/30 Deadline of Fall Semester: 11/30
第2學期:開始上課日~4/30 Deadline of Spring Semester: 4/30
- 學位考試申請書(請由myNTU登入學位考試系統填寫列印,需指導教授簽章)
Degree exan application form (Please print application form from the degree exam system)
- 電子所應屆畢業生畢業學分採計審核表 [docx] [odt] (g00)
GIEE Graduation Credits Acquisition Review Form
- 應屆畢業學生成績審核表 (g01)
Graduation Review Form 《碩士MS》 [docx] [odt] 《博士PhD》 [docx] [odt]
- 歷年成績單正本
Original hardcopy of Transcripts
- 提前畢業未修學分證明(確定會提前於學期中離校者,且僅可選修論文) [doc] [odt]
Statement of Non-Enrollment in Credit Courses for Early Graduates [doc] [odt] (only for those who will leave school early in the semester)
二、博士生申請論文計點審查 PhD students apply for publications’ credits review
於電子所系統申請審查 apply on GIEE website
After the advisor has reviewed and approved online, the application will be submitted to the committee.
※請至少提前於口試前一個月、最遲於2024/12/15前上網申請。 Please apply online at least one month in advance and no later than 2024/12/15.
三、通知所辦確定口試日期 Notify GIEE the oral exam date
口試委員名冊Oral Committee Name List (g02)
《碩士MS》[docx] [odt] 《博士PhD》[docx] [odt]
※請提前2週提交口試委員名冊。 Please submit the list 2 weeks before the oral exam.
※至少需有1名所外委員(未與電子所合聘)。 At least one non GIEE committee member.
※如有共同指導教授(備註欄請註明),除了指導教授與共同指導教授之外,碩士口試需另有至少2位委員,博士口試需另有至少4位委員。 In addition to the advisor and co-advisor, there are must be at least 2 other committee members for MS oral exam, and at least 4 other committee members for PhD oral exam.
四、論文初稿原創性比對 Comparison of drafts of thesis
- 可透過電子所統一於Turnitin平台建置的論文資料夾
Run on Turnitin website (accounts registered by GIEE)
- 亦可由指導教授於NTU Cool專題研究課程開設作業資料夾
Run on NTU Cool (accounts registered by Advisor)
論文格式規範 (NTU Thesis Format Specification)
五、準備口試文件 Documents for the oral defense
- 學位論文考試評分表 Grade Sheet [docx] [odt] (g03)
(每位委員各一份for each committee members)
- 學位考試紀錄表 Minutes and Record [docx] [odt] (g04)
- 口試委員會審定書Acceptance Certificate (範例sample)
《碩士MS》 [docx] [odt] 《博士PhD》 [docx] [odt] (g05)
以上文件請自行下載並打字製作,口試後皆需交到電子所。 Please download and type the above documents yourself, and submit them to the GIEE office after the oral defense.
- 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性聲明書(電子所版) [docx]
Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison GIEE English version [docx]
論文如有修改,應以最後完稿再進行比對,離校手續時應繳交論文完稿之原創性聲明書。 Please submit the statement for final thesis to the GIEE office.
- 口試委員審查費領據 & 校外委員停車優惠折扣券
Receipt of examination fee & parking coupon 實體口試請於口試前2天至所辦領取。 Please get from the GIEE office 2 days before the oral exam
口試結束後需儘速將簽好的口試委員審查費領據交回電子所。 After the oral defense, please return the signed receipts to the GIEE office asap.
六、口試後繳交文件 Documents submitted after oral exam
【口試後繳交】submit after oral exam
- 學位論文考試評分表 Grade Sheet (g03)
- 學位考試紀錄表 Minutes and Record (g04)
- 口試委員會審定書 Acceptance Certificate (g05)
所長簽好會依指導教授指示交還指導教授或由同學自行至所辦櫃台領回 According to the instructions of advisor, the signed Acceptance Certificate will be returned to the advisor, or students can pick it up at the GIEE office
- 口試委員審查費領據 Receipt of examination fee
【辦理離校前繳交】submit before leaving school
- 論文完稿之學位論文學術倫理暨原創性聲明書
Statement of AcademicEthics and Originality Comparison for final Thesis 所長簽好會掃描成pdf檔寄給同學 The signed document will be scanned as pdf file and email to the student.
七、本學期舉行論文口試截止期限 Deadline to hold the oral defense
八、本學期撤銷學位考試截止期限 Deadline for withdrawing the degree exam
九、本學期繳交論文截止期限 Hard Deadline for submitting Thesis to the NTU library
※請預留圖書館審核電子論文格式及紙本論文印製時間,依限(2025/2/ )完成紙本論文繳交。 Please reserve enough time for the NTU library online review and the thesis printing and binding.
十、完成學位考試後擬申請延畢 Postpone Graduation after Passing Thesis/Dissertation Defense
已通過學位考試本學期不畢業申請書 [doc] [odt] Application for Postponement Graduation after Passing Thesis/Dissertation Defense [doc] [odt]
※請勿繳交論文至圖書館 Please do not submit thesis to the NTU library.
※113-2需繼續註冊在學 Have to pay the tuition and register for school for the 2025 spring semester.
十一、之前學期已通過學位考試申請本學期畢業 Already passed the thesis defense in the previous semester and will apply for graduation this semester
第1學期:開始上課日~11/30 Deadline of Fall Semester: 11/30 第2學期:開始上課日~4/30 Deadline of Spring Semester: 4/30
Please print application form from the degree exam system
The Procedures of the GIEE Graduation and Leaving School Review
Apply for department graduation and leaving school review
請至電子所系統申請畢業離校審查 apply on GIEE website
Graduate should complete items
請完成下列各項資料填寫及檔案上傳後,送出畢業離校審查申請,等待指導教授同意。 Please complete the following information and upload the files, then submit the application for graduation review and wait for the approval of the advisor.
- 校友資料完整填寫更新
Fill in and update all columns of alumni information
- 畢業生問卷填寫
Fill out the graduate questionnaire
- 上傳pdf檔案
Upload files in pdf format
- 4頁論文研究簡介投影片
4-page research introduction slides
- 口試委員審定書(簽名完整之)
the signed Acceptance Certificate
- 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書(簽名完整)
the signed Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison
- 論文比對分析報告(不含論文)
the thesis comparison analysis report (exclude thesis parts)
- 上傳個人照
Upload personal photo
- 本學期是否擔任研究生獎勵金教學助理
Are you serving as a TA this semester 請確認是否已繳交離職手續單及所有月份簽到表 Please confirm whether you have submitted the resignation form and all monthly sign-in forms.
Items checked by the advisor
- 同意辦理離校
Agree to leave school
- 確認實驗室物品歸還交接
Confirm the return/handover of lab items
- 確認是否需繳還研發紀錄簿
Confirm whether the R&D book needs to be returned
Items checked by the GIEE office
- 畢業生應完成項目已確實完成
“Graduate should complete items” have completed
- 指導教授審查項目已確實通過
The advisors review items are all approved.
- 畢業生團體照發放(有參與拍照者)
Give the group photo of graduates to those who participated in the photo taking.
- 查驗電子所財物借用紀錄
Check the GIEE property borrowing records.
確認上述畢業生應完成項目及指導教授審查項目皆已完成,請主動通知電子所進行畢業離校審查。 電子所審查無誤,將於臺大離校手續系統打勾。
After the above-mentioned “Graduate should complete items” and “Items review by the advisor” have been completed, please proactively notify the GIEE office for graduation review.
After all items are checked, GIEE will approve on the NTU leaving system.