Educational Objectives
- 電子所制訂之教育目標:
To cultivate the students to be the future leaders in electronics engineering with characteristics of integrity, innovation, multidisciplines, and kindness.」。
- 電子所碩博士生於畢業時應具備的核心能力(core competencies):
- 培養學生具備電子工程基礎學理之涵養
To foster the students with the fundamental understanding of electronics engineering.
- 培養學生應用知識與技術之能力
To train the students with the technique of applying academic and technological knowledge to common practice.
- 培養學生具備跨領域整合之能力
To build up the skills in the multi-disciplinary knowledge fusion.
- 培養學生具備獨立思考與解決問題之能力
To cultivate the students with the ability of independent thinking and problem-solving.
- 培養學生團隊合作之能力
To incubate the students with the ability to do team work.
- 培養學生運用外語及參與國際活動之能力
To enhance the students with the capability of writing in foreign languages and participating international activities.
- 培養學生負責踏實之素養
To cultivate the students with the virtue of responsibility and morality.