主題 | 演講者 | 日期 | 時間 | 地點 |
休閒園藝 | 梁群健博士 | 2024-09-16 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:梁群健博士|臺大農場 時間:Date:2024-09-16|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
加速生成式人工智慧快速普及的關鍵技術:Phison aiDAPTIV+ Breaking Barriers in Generative AI Deployment: Phison aiDAPTIV+ | 林緯技術長 | 2024-09-09 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
加速生成式人工智慧快速普及的關鍵技術:Phison aiDAPTIV+ Breaking Barriers in Generative AI Deployment: Phison aiDAPTIV+
演講者:林緯技術長|群聯電子 時間:Date:2024-09-09|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
大綱: 生成式人工智慧(AI)自2022年底引起廣泛關注以來,已經逐步成為日常生活的一部分。這類模型不僅在規模上年增數十倍,甚至數百倍,而且在架構上也從單一模型演化至多專家系統,展現出前所未有的多樣性和複雜性。隨著各行各業積極探索將生成式AI技術融入工作流程,資訊安全和系統可控性的問題日益受到重視。 然而,生成式AI技術的普及面臨著一個重大挑戰:高昂的部署成本。這一挑戰不僅限制了技術的廣泛應用,也成為了許多組織採用這類先進技術的障礙。對此,群聯公司推出了aiDAPTIV+方案,一項革命性的計劃,旨在通過利用NAND Flash技術擴充高帶寬記憶體(HBM),從根本上降低成本。這一策略不僅能夠提升系統性能,也使得生成式AI的部署成本大幅下降,從而推動技術的更廣泛應用。 The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) at the end of 2022 marked a significant evolution, as these technologies increasingly integrate into daily human activities. The scale of generative models has been expanding annually at an exponential rate, with architecture advancements evolving from single-model frameworks to complex multi-expert systems. As industries across the board incorporate generative AI into their operational processes, concerns regarding information security and controllability have come to the forefront. However, the high deployment costs associated with generative AI technologies pose a significant barrier to widespread adoption. In response, Phison has introduced the aiDAPTIV+ initiative, a revolutionary approach that leverages NAND Flash to expand High Bandwidth Memory (HBM), thereby substantially reducing costs.
AI輔助的圖像處理器和編解碼器 | 陳彥光博士 | 2024-07-15 | 14:00 | 博理館201 |
演講者:陳彥光博士|IEEE Fellow 時間:Date:2024-07-15|TIme:14:00 地點:博理館201 主辦單位:電資學院 協辦單位:電子所 聯絡人:電資學院 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
7/15週一下午2:00邀請IEEE Fellow陳彥光博士蒞臨專題演講,主題為:AI輔助的圖像處理器和編解碼器,地點於博理館201會議室,歡迎踴躍出席!!
臺灣草鴞與西拉雅鴞郎的旅程 | 萬俊明導演 | 2024-05-27 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:萬俊明導演| 時間:Date:2024-05-27|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
火災與地震的應變 | 黃凱馡消防員 | 2024-05-20 | 13:30 | 博理館101室+博理113連線 |
演講者:黃凱馡消防員|北市消防局 時間:Date:2024-05-20|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室+博理113連線 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
台大電機到台灣職棒的Trial and Error | 施懷勛創辦人 | 2024-05-13 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
台大電機到台灣職棒的Trial and Error
演講者:施懷勛創辦人|有球科技 時間:Date:2024-05-13|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
有球科技施懷勛創辦人將與各位分享 「台大電機到台灣職棒的Trial and Error」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
先進半導體封裝應用於AI運算之技術趨勢 | 張欣晴博士 | 2024-05-06 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者: 張欣晴博士|日月光半導體 時間:Date:2024-05-06|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台灣半導體產業協會 (TSIA) 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Abstract: In recent years, the computing capability of the semiconductor chips is driven not only by the foundry process scaling to the most advanced nodes, but also by the advanced package that heterogeneously integrates chips made by their most competitive process.This growth of computing capability on the one hand enables AI algorithms to deliver their potential, on the other hand expedites novel algorithms to evolve and reach beyond human imagination. One of the most important trends is to divide and win: using the chiplet approach.The SoC (System on Chip) approach used to put all functions, such as computing units (xPU), memory, logic, I/O, analog, power management etc, into one single chip and its foundry process using its IP.However as system complexity, cost, die size, and design cycle time approach the limits, integration of chiplet from various foundry processes by advanced package become the most cost effective way.In addition, advanced package allows topology of connection, memory integration, power integration into 2.5/3D and vertical, hence implement system that was not possible by single SoC alone.Today, many of the most advanced AI computing solutions are implemented by the chiplet approach, and are making differences in the cloud and edge computing and switching, and in many innovative AI enabled end devices. Last but not least, power consumption requires for the AI computing becomes critical economically and environmentally for the human civilization as a whole.Advanced package integrates ever-efficient power delivery into the package and optimized at the system level, and allows ultra-low power optical chips be integrated into one single package.
認真研究的你,好好休息了嗎? | 林子茗專員 | 2024-04-29 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:林子茗專員|台大學輔中心 時間:Date:2024-04-29|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
AIx 死x 機器人 | 楊皓宇 執行長 | 2024-04-22 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
AIx 死x 機器人
演講者:楊皓宇 執行長|Protico (踢可股份有限公司) 時間:Date:2024-04-22|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
踢可股份有限公司楊皓宇執行長將與各位分享 「AIx 死x 機器人」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
AI世代的EDA- 從元件模擬看EDA工具的挑戰和機會 | 林忠凱處長 | 2024-04-15 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
AI世代的EDA- 從元件模擬看EDA工具的挑戰和機會
演講者:林忠凱處長|台積電(技術模擬處TMLD) 時間:Date:2024-04-15|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
穿越憂鬱流沙經驗分享 | 陳良基教授與王素梅老師 | 2024-04-01 | 13:30 | 博理館101室+博理113連線 |
演講者:陳良基教授與王素梅老師| 時間:Date:2024-04-01|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室+博理113連線 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
大綱: 透過陳良基教授與王素梅老師的真實故事,探索憂鬱症的樣貌及其對當事人和家庭的影響。藉由兩位講者分享,了解憂鬱症的挑戰,及如何在支持和被支持的過程中共同成長,一同攜手掙脫流沙的桎梏。
AI for wildlife conservation(運用AI技術保育野生動物) | 郭晟哲協理 | 2024-03-25 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
AI for wildlife conservation(運用AI技術保育野生動物)
演講者:郭晟哲協理|奇景光電 時間:Date:2024-03-25|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
混合信號在先進製程的挑戰與ChatGPT帶來的影響 | 辛東橙處長 | 2024-03-18 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:辛東橙處長|聯詠科技 時間:Date:2024-03-18|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
講題大綱: 1. Mixed-Signal Circuit 2. 全球半導體產品分類與應用佔比 3. 晶片上電路種類與用途 4. 類比電路簡介與有線傳輸介面介紹 5. 先進製程的設計挑戰 6. ChatGPT的使用與影響 7. 職場經驗分享
Lagrangian relaxation based gate sizing for circuit optimization | Dr. David Chinnery | 2024-03-11 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
Lagrangian relaxation based gate sizing for circuit optimization
演講者:Dr. David Chinnery|Architect, Siemens Digital Industries Software 時間:Date:2024-03-11|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
閃存猴子的一生 | 林緯技術長 | 2024-03-04 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:林緯技術長|群聯電子 時間:Date:2024-03-04|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Edge AI Evolution – Opportunity and Challenge | 陸忠立協理 | 2024-02-26 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
Edge AI Evolution – Opportunity and Challenge
演講者:陸忠立協理|聯發科技 計算與人工智能技術群 本部 時間:Date:2024-02-26|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Abstract: Over the years, edge AI has made significant strides, transitioning from applications like photo classification and face detection to enhancing video and gaming picture quality. The advent of generative AI has further propelled innovation, revolutionizing our life experiences. However, due to intensive computational and memory requirements, current generative AI applications primarily rely on cloud infrastructure. In this presentation, we aim to explore the emerging trend of shifting from a cloud-centric approach to a collaborative cloud-edge paradigm for generative AI technologies. We will delve into the multitude of opportunities and challenges that lie ahead when supporting generative AI on edge devices. This transformation entails a synergetic blend of technological advancements, enhancements in hardware architecture, and the reduction of computational complexities, ultimately enabling the realization of novel generative AI applications.
Future Systems-on-Chip for Full Spectrum Utilization from RF to Optics | 張懋中特聘研究講座 | 2024-02-19 | 13:55 | 博理館101室+博理113連線 |
Future Systems-on-Chip for Full Spectrum Utilization from RF to Optics
演講者:張懋中特聘研究講座|台大電子所 時間:Date:2024-02-19|TIme:13:55 地點:博理館101室+博理113連線 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
臺大電子所特聘研究講座-張懋中博士將與各位分享 「Future Systems-on-Chip for Full Spectrum Utilization from RF to Optics」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
半導體產業面面觀 | 楊光磊博士 | 2023-12-11 | 13:30 | 博理館101室 |
演講者:楊光磊博士|前台積電研發處長 時間:Date:2023-12-11|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
前台積電研發處長-楊光磊博士將與各位分享 「半導體產業面面觀」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
Wireless AI: A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World | 劉國瑞博士 | 2023-12-04 | 13:30 | 博理館101室+博理113連線 |
Wireless AI: A New Sixth Sense to Deciphering our World
演講者:劉國瑞博士|2022 年 IEEE 全球總裁與首席執行長 時間:Date:2023-12-04|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室+博理113連線 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Memory Packaging Technology Roadmap | Jackson Huang 黃耀德處長 | 2023-11-27 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
Memory Packaging Technology Roadmap
演講者:Jackson Huang 黃耀德處長|台灣美光 時間:Date:2023-11-27|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
演講大綱/摘要: 1. Introduction to Package
每個人都是一本小說 | 周景揚校長 | 2023-11-20 | 13:30 | 博理館101室+博理113連線 |
演講者:周景揚校長|國立中央大學 時間:Date:2023-11-20|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室+博理113連線 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
國立中央大學 周景揚校長將與各位分享 「每個人都是一本小說」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
Applications of Edge Intelligence Vision Device | 王裕閔副處長 | 2023-11-13 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
Applications of Edge Intelligence Vision Device
演講者: 王裕閔副處長|聯詠科技iVoT產品事業處 時間:Date:2023-11-13|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
聯詠科技iVoT產品事業處 王裕閔 副處長將與各位分享 「Applications of Edge Intelligence Vision Device」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
人生風景無限 一條路 走就對了 | 麥覺明導演 | 2023-11-06 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
人生風景無限 一條路 走就對了
演講者:麥覺明導演|大麥影像傳播工作室 時間:Date:2023-11-06|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
大麥影像傳播工作室 麥覺明導演將與各位分享 「人生風景無限 一條路 走就對了」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
談新鮮人如何建構未來競爭力 | 林佳璋總經理 | 2023-10-30 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:林佳璋總經理|展碁國際 時間:Date:2023-10-30|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
展碁國際 林佳璋總經理將與各位分享 「談新鮮人如何建構未來競爭力」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
Quantified Benchmarking: A Key Role of Electronic Design Automation for Heterogenous Integration Manufacturing | Prof. Sung Kyu Lim | 2023-10-23 | 15:30 | BL113 |
Quantified Benchmarking: A Key Role of Electronic Design Automation for Heterogenous Integration Manufacturing
演講者:Prof. Sung Kyu Lim|Georgia Institute of Technology 時間:Date:2023-10-23|TIme:15:30 地點:BL113 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:SOC中心 聯絡人:陳中平 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Heterogeneous integration poses new challenges to electronic design automation (EDA) and packaging communities and demands innovative solutions that must be built together with tight-knit collaborations. One key outcome is the EDA-enabled benchmarking capability that provides quantified evaluation of manufacturing technologies under development using system-level design metrics of interest. We present two such examples, first on glass vs. silicon as the interposer material choices, and second on hybrid bonding vs. micro bumping as the die bonding options, both targeting system-level power, performance, area, and cost (PPAC) optimization. In addition, thermal, power delivery, and other reliability related metrics are calculated and compared. Lastly, we discuss various algorithms and methodologies developed to enable these EDA tools that are based on conventional and AI approaches.
Logic Synthesis for BeyondCMOS Technologies | Siang-Yun Lee | 2023-10-19 | 10:30 | BL201 |
Logic Synthesis for BeyondCMOS Technologies
演講者:Siang-Yun Lee|EPFL 時間:Date:2023-10-19|TIme:10:30 地點:BL201 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:SOC中心 聯絡人:陳中平 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
Logic synthesis, as an essential step in the VLSI design automation flow, has been developed with the characteristics of CMOS digital circuits in mind. However, with the increasing demand for computationally-heavy applications, researchers have been investigating various beyond-CMOS technologies featuring faster computation speed and/or lower energy consumption. These emerging technologies often have distinct characteristics and constraints to be taken into account in logic synthesis. For example, some technologies are based on majority gates, instead of NAND gates; some technologies have pathbalancing and fanout constraints; and some technologies require a planar circuit layout, where wire crossings also need to be balanced. In this talk, I will discuss how modern logic synthesis techniques may be applied to, or adapted for, beyond-CMOS technologies with special characteristics.
從IDF數控飛操系統開發經驗談技術轉移的陷阱 | 杲中興前院長 | 2023-10-16 | 13:30 | 博理館101室 |
演講者:杲中興前院長|中科院 時間:Date:2023-10-16|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位: 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
中科院前院長 杲中興院長將與各位分享 「從IDF數控飛操系統開發經驗談技術轉移的陷阱」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
車載顯示IC技術發展 | 徐正池資深處長 | 2023-10-02 | 13:30 | 博理館113室 |
演講者:徐正池資深處長|奇景光電 時間:Date:2023-10-02|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館113室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:台大SoC中心 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
奇景光電-徐正池資深處長 將與各位分享 「車載顯示IC技術發展」 歡迎有興趣的師長同學一同參加~
Recent Progresses of Compute-in-Memory Prototype Chips: RRAM, 3D integration and Ferroelectric Technologies | Prof. Shimeng Yu | 2023-09-27 | 13:30 | 電機二館105室 |
Recent Progresses of Compute-in-Memory Prototype Chips: RRAM, 3D integration and Ferroelectric Technologies
演講者:Prof. Shimeng Yu|Georgia Institute of Technology 時間:Date:2023-09-27|TIme:13:30 地點:電機二館105室 主辦單位:臺大電子工程學研究所 協辦單位:臺大SOC中心 / 聯發科-臺大創新研究中心 / 臺大重點科技研究學院 聯絡人:邱玉霜 聯絡電話:33663718 演講內容:
Speaker: Prof. Shimeng Yu (Georgia Institute of Technology) Topic: Recent Progresses of Compute-in-Memory Prototype Chips: RRAM, 3D integration and Ferroelectric Technologies Abstract: In this presentation, we will present the recent progresses on the compute-in-memory (CIM) prototype chips. Mixed-signal resistive random access memory (RRAM) based CIM can process the multiply-accumulate (MAC) functions in deep neural networks efficiently, thus it is regarded as a competitive solution for AI hardware design for edge intelligence. We recently taped out two generations of RRAM CIM macros in TSMC 40 nm process. The following features are supported in these macros: 1) Adaptive input sparsity control; 2) Reconfigurable weight precision; 3) Integrated digital compute units; 4) Input-aware on-chip ADC reference; 5) On-chip write-verify controller; 6) Input encoding for embedded security; 7) ADC-less communication between sub-arrays with pulse-width-modulation; 8) In-situ error correction code that preserves the MAC parallelism. We will introduce these design techniques and silicon measurement results. Next the prospects and challenges of CIM chip design will be discussed. Leveraging the advanced packaging techniques, 3D physical design partition and 3D processing-element (PE) cube design is proposed to scale the RRAM CIM macro with digital PE for larger neural network (e.g., vision transformer). Assembly of many 3D PE cubes in a 2.5D integrated silicon interposer could potentially extend the support for large language model (e.g., GPT). Finally, switching the technology from RRAM to ferroelectric devices could further improve the energy efficiency due to the reduced static power via charge-domain computing. Bio: Shimeng Yu is a full professor of electrical and computer engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2013. From 2013 to 2018, he was an assistant professor at Arizona State University. Prof. Yu’s research expertise is on the emerging non-volatile memories for applications such as deep learning accelerator, in-memory computing, and 3D integration. Prof. Yu currently serves technical program committee for the IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits, and also serves an editor for IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL). He is a senior member of the IEEE. 報名連結: https://forms.gle/PS5ZuQrwAYp5JNKN8 主辦單位:臺大電子所 協辦單位:臺灣大學重點科技研究學院 / 聯發科技-臺大創新研究中心/ 臺大SOC中心 演講聯絡人: 臺大電子所專任助理 邱玉霜 Susan Chiou 02-33663718 台北市羅斯福路四段一號電機二館308室
研究生不可不知的文獻搜尋方法 | 洪翠錨編審 | 2023-09-25 | 13:30 | 博理館101室 |
演講者:洪翠錨編審|臺大圖書館學科服務組 時間:Date:2023-09-25|TIme:13:30 地點:博理館101室 主辦單位:電子所 協辦單位:臺大圖書館 聯絡人:袁小姐 聯絡電話: 演講內容:
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